"Hari gini aja kaga British bases could?!! To sea sonoo aje lo! Nyi Roro Kidul as Little Mermaid British bases open courses, which so nativenya Nemo (Nemo then said: 'blep blep blep Want blep ..').. lo?? "
(ko be a bit long and napsuin ya mean??) heheheh ...
Ngomong2x, sea ikan2x in Amrik sono can speak basic English ga yah?? Hehehe ...
Here are some tips n 'tricks for you that will undergo the TOEFL test can be applied at will and was undergoing tests:
Test Of English As AF****gn Language (hahahah,,jelas-jelas blakangnya 'gn' ;p)" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">TOEFL -> Test Of Home As AF **** gn Language (hahahah,, clearly blakangnya 'gn' p)
1. Well before the test, if it does not follow the program in a TOEFL Preparation courses for example, should be autodidak polishing your skills in Grammar, Vocabulary and Functional Expression bentuk2x (agreement, uncertainty, suggestion, surprise, etc.) ..
[Problem structure of many traps, so very good reply controlled by sangath Grammar, vocab his reply's yes to help understand the context of the sentence, of course .. Problem exprs functional, rather to answer prtanyaan of conversation around this hal2x]
2. Still well before the test took place, should improve the ability of your ear to hear ... because nenek2x would also know this nyebrang it pake listening ear and not the zebra cross!!; P
[I mean, sering2xlah hear the conversation in English so that the ear and brain becomes accustomed to Think were trained in Bahasa .. because sometimes it is difficult to conclude in English conversation once heard, let alone reply conversation / long omongannya ..]
Recorder when the TOEFL test can not just play back (yes Lovable!), Not like when we do not understand the words of others and can immediately ask "HAH?? Paan siih?" (* With a typical face .. My friend's initial ADE,, , huahuahauhauaa ... Piss!!) and ask the person to repeat what he said at a slower pace and extra patience ...
3.Jauh days before the TOEFL jg, practice reading (This Mother Budi, This Budi, Budi friend Wati, and who Wati?? The children answered: Budiii girlfriend! ... ... Ckckckk there lagi2x my dikamar cicek p)
[Though I'm sure you can read because the evidence had been reached on this blog page, .. I mean, kalimat2x practice English reading and practice in order to understand the sentence in a short time ... This is needed when undergoing Reading Comprehension ...]
(btw, how I am a bit sensitive listening comprehension yah? hiks .. p)
4. A few days before the test, we recommend saving to pay for the TOEFL test is not cheap,,
[hahah,, ga penting ah, it's just for ngisi number 4 in this paper wrote; p]
5. The night before the test toefl should sleep early, sleep that comes when the TOEFL test can interfere with the concentration required during the test lasted sangath,,
[do not like my new bed at 02.30 AM in the night before the TOEFL test, as a result .. Sepet eyes, brain clogged, ears waah,, wassalam ...]
6. Understand bentuk2x command in masing2x part (part) test well before D-day (hey,, lagi2x 'H' .. hahaha,,, stop! Stop! Stop!). Do not think of another bentuk2 tempting that might interfere with your concentration like shape,, hmm,,, what hahah .. well ..* personal autosensor; p
[This is quite useful, so when the test took place not need to hear his direction again, time can be used to study the booklet jawaban2x in as much as possible, so you can predict what questions will be presented by the narrator]
7. At the time the test took place, DO NOT PANIC reply could not catch the purpose of the narrator who talks too fast and sometimes hard to understand accent and pronounc'nya (sometimes I also thinkers, why did the narrator's ga sunda aja ya man, who Englishnya .. hmm .. well gitu deh,, hehehe ...)
[Do not panic karna you start thinking to seek help from the 911, the Indo problem where there is 911, the existing 108 information, but these numbers just to nanya phone number, address nanya aja ngga be let alone answer the TOEFL test!! Do not also intend lompatin sampe 100-story building pengen dapet gara2x score but ngerjain matter gede aja ga bisa; p Besides building loncatin emang can trus dpt 100 levels above 450lah minimum score?? Think this high jump contest,, hehe .. continued again, in Where there is also Indo-level building 100,, (eh iya emang ga ada ya? I also ga tau,, hehehe ..)]
No 8.Meneruskan tips. 7, the reply speech difficult to understand the overall narrator, get ideas from discussions remain captured by the ear and brain from the combination of words that had heard and understood.
[which is not my ga komentarin because quite clear ... "But this tetep komentarin dul lo aja!"; p]
9. Hal2x focus on questions relating to the 5-wh (who what when where why) and how, as well as the situation around the conversation and conclusions from what was said by the narrator.
[not focus on situations where your test, it's important ga .. "Yeah I'm still doing well this writing, hehe .."; p]
10. During listening tests took place, you concentrate only on the narrator and a booklet, do not think of anything else (forget for a moment about boyfriends, about the gossip about the debt let alone build luxury apartments Mayangsari p) and do not also cut with komentar2x unimportant matter the narrator talks because besides you missed the opportunity to hear the conversation of the narrator, it can also distract other people ..
[Do not let your dream in the middle of the test, "if,, I invented the same,,, hmm,, I would skrg ... oops!! Hush hush hush!" Or just hear the People behind the seat of the narrator in the middle Ongoing tests "Aduuh,, diet critanya .." hhhhh ... There is feel ga yah?? p]
11. Pray to God for any answers you entered on the answer sheets are considered true (magically) by the computer and the checker .. p
[Amiin,, hahahahah]
"Ga pake basa Japan will again ah,, huahuahauhauhauha ..." ^ _ ^ v
... Anyway I Still Luv U Sar, and your Nihongo f'course,, huahahahah,,,
June 8th, 2008 @ 22:33 WKS (Left Room I)
-My Broken Plane Room Look-Alike
Rooms maksutnya rich virgin shipwreck (although ga virginity has to do the same shipwreck),, hahahaha,, can be predicted deh my TOEFL score brapa,, hahahah,,
[* while pura2x nyiapin ga presentation when the presentation so again,, huhuh .. p]

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